Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Crafting bad taste in my mouth

Ever since the MTC and SCAL lawsuits by Provocraft, not only I don't have a spark of inspiration, I am not looking for one because.... well PC spoiled the party. That's all. They simply spoiled the party.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I have a spark

I have a spark of an Idea but I want some of the work done for me. I would like to find small maybe 12x8 glass or plexiglass windows, pre-framed that I can paint and then do vinyl lettering like Disneyland Main Street windows, for Me, My wife and some close friends to hang on the wall in our Disney Themed room.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


So after a year of pain and sorrow (well not really!) I finally have my dental implant and I am sure excited and relieved to have it done. As for crafty things... Not much on the home front. I got a Cricut Expression so I can now cut 12x12 mats but with my wife in primary she has pretty much raided my entire card-stock library. Couple that with my distaste of Provo Craft's lawsuits against SCAL and MTC, I just have lost my enthusiasm for supporting the Cricut. Hopefully something exciting will jump to mind soon. But you never know.